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Monday, October 20, 2008

Our class trip to see MacBeth was certainly entertaining. The actors were extremely talented and I was surprised by how well they could present a play that was written so long ago. I think it would be hard to preform MacBeth because the language is so different from how we speak now. Having seen this play, I have much more respect for those who make a living through acting.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday...what is the point in Thursday? It is so close to Friday, but yet it is not quite there. Thursday just ends up being a tease. Anyways, in case you have not caught on, today is indeed THURSDAY. Oh well, just crossing my fingers that it will go by quickly.
The weather is cool these days and I like to call this time of year "hot chocolate season". Actually, I enjoyed some this morning on my drive to school. It is so warming, and just brightens the whole day, even on a Thursday. I recommend this type of therapy to one and all. Bad day? Consume some hot chocolate and ta da!!
Another recommendation I regularly give concerns only my fellow seniors. My advice is lets relax. This year is already turning stressful for many of us, with keeping grades up, filling out college applications and already completing scholarship forms. We must remember though, that this is our last year together and making time for our family, friends and ourselves must come first. Stay focused on schoolwork, but also focus on making this year the best one yet, as it very well should be. Don't watch me too closely though, because I too fall victim to stress. I will not name names (calculus) but certain classes just make it hard to remain anxiety free. It can be done though!
So let's hang out more fellow seniors, let's laugh more and go see more movies. Basically, let's have more fun.
Now that I have vented enough for five people, I shall let you all go. I wish you all a happy hot chocolate season Thursday!
